Taboo at Dr. Clock's Nowhere Bar (Washington, DC) - 02.18.15
Sarah Snider at DC Eagle (Washington, DC) - 08.12.16
Aaron Dilloway at The Vat (Philadelphia, PA) - 10.14.17
Valerie Martino at P.U.F.F.E.R.S. V (Providence, RI) - 09.25.16
Hiro Kone at The Crown (Baltimore, MD) - 11.11.18
Timeghost at Ruth's Pie House (Washington, DC) - 05.30.14
Tommy Wright III at Studio Ga Ga (Washington, DC) - 11.02.18
Die Reihe at Barbarella (St. Louis, MO) -  12.26.13
Fyoelk at Union Arts (Washington, DC) - 05.15.15
Cloning at Strange Matter (Richmond, VA) - 10.24.15
Wolf Eyes at Apop Records (St. Louis, MO) - 09.11.10
Gxnt Valentine at Ruth's Pie House (Washington, DC) - 05.30.14
Ghost Ice at Apop Records (St. Louis, MO) - 2009
Black James at 333 N. Beaumont (St. Louis, MO) - 12.28.13
Wolf Eyes at Metro Gallery (Baltimore, MD) - 09.04.13
Jokif Behr at Strange Matter (Richmond, VA) - 10.24.15
Pedestrian Deposit at The Bank (Baltimore, MD) - 04.02.19
Sewn Leather at Tribel Haus (Baltimore, MD) - 07.26.13
Wolf Eyes at Metro Gallery (Baltimore, MD) - 09.04.13
Drippy Inputs at Strange Matter (Richmond, VA) - 10.24.15
Sibling at Savage Weekend 2019 (Chapel Hill, NC) - 06.14.19
Nadia at Murdered Word III (Baltimore, MD) - 01.27.18
Paranoid Time at Summer Scum 5 (Queens, NY) - 07.09.16
Headband at Murdered Word III (Baltimore, MD) - 01.27.18
Lazuli at Studio Ga Ga (Washington, DC) - 04.30.19
Coteries at Fish Haus (New Haven, CT) - 04.10.17
Taboo at Dr. Clock's Nowhere Bar (Washington, DC) - 02.18.15
Taboo at Dr. Clock's Nowhere Bar (Washington, DC) - 02.18.15
Sarah Snider at DC Eagle (Washington, DC) - 08.12.16
Sarah Snider at DC Eagle (Washington, DC) - 08.12.16
Aaron Dilloway at The Vat (Philadelphia, PA) - 10.14.17
Aaron Dilloway at The Vat (Philadelphia, PA) - 10.14.17
Valerie Martino at P.U.F.F.E.R.S. V (Providence, RI) - 09.25.16
Valerie Martino at P.U.F.F.E.R.S. V (Providence, RI) - 09.25.16
Hiro Kone at The Crown (Baltimore, MD) - 11.11.18
Hiro Kone at The Crown (Baltimore, MD) - 11.11.18
Timeghost at Ruth's Pie House (Washington, DC) - 05.30.14
Timeghost at Ruth's Pie House (Washington, DC) - 05.30.14
Tommy Wright III at Studio Ga Ga (Washington, DC) - 11.02.18
Tommy Wright III at Studio Ga Ga (Washington, DC) - 11.02.18
Die Reihe at Barbarella (St. Louis, MO) -  12.26.13
Die Reihe at Barbarella (St. Louis, MO) - 12.26.13
Fyoelk at Union Arts (Washington, DC) - 05.15.15
Fyoelk at Union Arts (Washington, DC) - 05.15.15
Cloning at Strange Matter (Richmond, VA) - 10.24.15
Cloning at Strange Matter (Richmond, VA) - 10.24.15
Wolf Eyes at Apop Records (St. Louis, MO) - 09.11.10
Wolf Eyes at Apop Records (St. Louis, MO) - 09.11.10
Gxnt Valentine at Ruth's Pie House (Washington, DC) - 05.30.14
Gxnt Valentine at Ruth's Pie House (Washington, DC) - 05.30.14
Ghost Ice at Apop Records (St. Louis, MO) - 2009
Ghost Ice at Apop Records (St. Louis, MO) - 2009
Black James at 333 N. Beaumont (St. Louis, MO) - 12.28.13
Black James at 333 N. Beaumont (St. Louis, MO) - 12.28.13
Wolf Eyes at Metro Gallery (Baltimore, MD) - 09.04.13
Wolf Eyes at Metro Gallery (Baltimore, MD) - 09.04.13
Jokif Behr at Strange Matter (Richmond, VA) - 10.24.15
Jokif Behr at Strange Matter (Richmond, VA) - 10.24.15
Pedestrian Deposit at The Bank (Baltimore, MD) - 04.02.19
Pedestrian Deposit at The Bank (Baltimore, MD) - 04.02.19
Sewn Leather at Tribel Haus (Baltimore, MD) - 07.26.13
Sewn Leather at Tribel Haus (Baltimore, MD) - 07.26.13
Wolf Eyes at Metro Gallery (Baltimore, MD) - 09.04.13
Wolf Eyes at Metro Gallery (Baltimore, MD) - 09.04.13
Drippy Inputs at Strange Matter (Richmond, VA) - 10.24.15
Drippy Inputs at Strange Matter (Richmond, VA) - 10.24.15
Sibling at Savage Weekend 2019 (Chapel Hill, NC) - 06.14.19
Sibling at Savage Weekend 2019 (Chapel Hill, NC) - 06.14.19
Nadia at Murdered Word III (Baltimore, MD) - 01.27.18
Nadia at Murdered Word III (Baltimore, MD) - 01.27.18
Paranoid Time at Summer Scum 5 (Queens, NY) - 07.09.16
Paranoid Time at Summer Scum 5 (Queens, NY) - 07.09.16
Headband at Murdered Word III (Baltimore, MD) - 01.27.18
Headband at Murdered Word III (Baltimore, MD) - 01.27.18
Lazuli at Studio Ga Ga (Washington, DC) - 04.30.19
Lazuli at Studio Ga Ga (Washington, DC) - 04.30.19
Coteries at Fish Haus (New Haven, CT) - 04.10.17
Coteries at Fish Haus (New Haven, CT) - 04.10.17